Quick Start

There are some simple crawling applications written with Brownant.

The Minimal Demo

This demo could get the download link from the PyPI home page of given project.

# example.py
from brownant.app import BrownAnt
from brownant.site import Site
from lxml import html
from requests import Session

site = Site(name="pypi")
http = Session()

@site.route("pypi.python.org", "/pypi/<name>", defaults={"version": None})
@site.route("pypi.python.org", "/pypi/<name>/<version>")
def pypi_info(request, name, version):
    url = request.url.geturl()
    etree = html.fromstring(http.get(url).content)
    download_url = etree.xpath(".//div[@id='download-button']/a/@href")[0]

    return {"name": name, "version": version, "download_url": download_url}

app = BrownAnt()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from pprint import pprint

And run it, we will get the output:

$ python example.py
{'download_url': 'https://.../source/W/Werkzeug/Werkzeug-0.9.4.tar.gz',
 'name': u'Werkzeug',
 'version': u'0.9.4'}

The Declarative Demo

With the declarative usage, the workflow will be flexible and readable.

First, we define the “dinergate” in a site supported module:

# sites/pypi.py
from brownant.site import Site
from brownant.dinergate import Dinergate
from brownant.pipeline.network import TextResponseProperty
from brownant.pipeline.html import ElementTreeProperty, XPathTextProperty

site = Site(name="pypi")

@site.route("pypi.python.org", "/pypi/<name>/<version>")
class PythonPackageInfo(Dinergate):

    URL_TEMPLATE = "http://pypi.python.org/pypi/{self.name}/{self.version}"

    text_response = TextResponseProperty()
    etree = ElementTreeProperty()
    download_url = XPathTextProperty(
        strip_spaces=True, pick_mode="first"

    def info(self):
        return {"name": self.name, "version": self.version,
                "download_url": self.download_url}

And then we define an application instance and mount the site.

# app.py
from brownant.app import BrownAnt

app = BrownAnt()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from pprint import pprint
    pkg = app.dispatch_url("https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Werkzeug/0.9.4")

And run it, we will get the same output.

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